Git 2 Minutes



Eclipse: E-git

Clone Repository:

git clone git_url
 Clones the git repository in the local

GIT Configuration:

git config --list
   Check the git configuration
git config --global --edit
  Edit the git config


Ignoring files during commit
 Get the attached file and put in the GIT HOME Directory..gitignore_global

Git Changes

git status 
  List the current changes

Git Pull

git pull
   Get the contents of remote repository changes into local

Git Add:

git add
 Adds the specified file for commit
 git add -u
 Adds all the files marked 'Untracked' to commit
git add .
 Add all the files tracked, untracked for commit

Removing file from cache:

 Not yet ready to commit some file just remove them from the commit cache
  git rm --cached filename


git checkout  
 To switch branches and to create new branches in the local
git branch -a 
 List all the branches including remote branch
git branch -r 
  List remote branches only
git branch
  Display the current branch
git branch new_branch 
 Create a new branch or switch branches

Push to remote branch

git push -u origin new_branch

Intermediate commits: Stashing

When you middle of something and want to work on some fix, don't want to commit it yet then stash it.
git stash
  Stacks up the current changes, does not commit it) , you can also do
git stash stash_name
  Stash name reference if you want refer in the future


git commit 'commit msg'
  Commits all the changes under commit label


git push
  Push the contents to the remote git repository

GIT Changes

Want to generate a report of recent changes then log it
git log -p > filepath
    To get code differences
git log > filepath
   To get commit differences


Raghav said…