
Showing posts from July, 2009

FCKeditor v2.4.3 Firefox "script stack space quota is exhausted" fixed !

Hi all, I was uploading a document of about 10 MB doc in FCKeditor v 2.4.3 from server. In IE it works fine but for the Firefox v>2.0 , I was getting this strange bug "script stack space quota is exhausted" . Thought it was inherent firefox problem , But why did FCKeditor caused it ? After reading the code and having some inline tests , I found that the following code in fckeditorcode_ie.js FCKeditor start function caused this problem, /* Buggy regex match for body contents*/ /* Results in "script stack space quota is exhausted" for large documents*/ var G=A.match(FCKRegexLib.BeforeBody); var H=A.match(FCKRegexLib.AfterBody); if (G&&H){ var I=A.substr(G[1].length,A.length-G[1].length-H[1].length); A=G[1]+' '+H[1]; if (FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko&&(I.length==0||FCKRegexLib.EmptyParagraph.test(I))) I=' '; this._BodyHTML=I; }else this._BodyHTML=A; };

Good to be back.

Reasons for my inactivity for past few months, Reason 1: Have been involved in lots of projects. Reason 2: Have been involved in hours of learning. Reason 3: Have been involved in self-building and introspecting myself. Reason 4: Found how a small dream can grow so much in span of months of hard-work and persistence. What's the good news ? Not being posting for a long time ?? :). Just joking . Good News is that there are lots of small things in store to share with you all. Now I feel good to be back. So Keep checking.