
IFTTT Service descriptions with Google Search

Disclaimer:  pure hack,  don't judge on my coding skills ;) I have been trying to make use of some channels in IFTTT, and obviously the channel doesn't say what each logo means, just wrote some code to pull up all the service names in IFTTT and came up with google search for each descriptions IFTTT service listing in chrome console: var sm=new Array();$.each($('.channel-grid-item__title'),function(){sm.push($(this).html());}) They have IFTTT may be useful feed, but as I said pure hack this is. Gist to generate your own: Here is the list, Amazon Echo: Always Ready, Connected, and Fast. :Echo connects to Alexa , a cloud-based voice service, to provide information, answer questions, play music, read the news, check sports scores or the weather,  ... 11 Tips to Boost Your Android Phone's Battery Life | :May 1, 2014 ... But...

Hibernate queries are slow ! SQL Server's are not my type ? - Here is what you need to know!

  " Hibernate is one of most  cited culprit for slower queries ! ", though I am kind of victim of this thought for sometime until I "understood" the true wisdom of lame excuses :) Though sometimes this epic comic reflects my mental turbulence during the performance improvement katas... I learned not to go by hunches, but on real hard facts and truths. One interesting problem I found recently pretty annoying me for days (actually months sparingly) was slow query performance of the total application I was working on. Though the problem is itself is pretty basics, but the process of tuning and troubleshooting is what I thought is interesting. To give a background, I was running Hibernate/Java/Spring Stack SQL Server 2008 as my DB (it's out of choice unquestionably) but I don't mind and stick to one technology so opportunity to try new / old things are always good.   Here is the graph of the actu...

Quick Maven Archetypes and Project Setup

If we need to re-use the maven based project as base for future projects, then we can create an archetype which can generate the skeleton for the future project. It applies to both single-module and multi-module maven projects Steps: Go to project root directory mvn  archetype:create-from-project   - This generates a target folder with generated-resource directory , find archetype-metadata.xml for the details about the file inclusions and module setup Got to  target/generated-sources/archetype/  mvn install    - This installs the current archetype into maven repo [INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: kitchensink\target\generated-sources\archetype\target\test-classes\projects\basic\project\basic [INFO] No post-archetype-generation goals to invoke. [INFO] [INFO] ---  maven-install-plugin:2.5.1:install  (default-install) @ kitchensink-archetype ---  ---  maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:update-local-catalog  (def...

MySql Enable Logs for Queries , Expert Way!

show variables like 'general_log%' +------------------+------------------------------------------------------------ | Variable_name    | Value +------------------+------------------------------------------------------------ | general_log      | OFF | general_log_file | C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\Data\pixomachine.log +------------------+------------------------------------------------------------  set GLOBAL general_log='ON'; C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqld, Version: 5.5.25a (MySQL Community Server (GPL)). started with: TCP Port: 3306, Named Pipe: MySQL Time                 Id Command    Argument 130310  1:09:40    1 Query select * from users

Git 2 Minutes

Installation:   GIT BASH - GUI's: Eclipse: E-git Clone Repository: git clone git_url  Clones the git repository in the local GIT Configuration: git config --list    Check the git configuration git config --global --edit   Edit the git config .gitignore Ignoring files during commit  Get the attached file and put in the GIT HOME Directory. .gitignore_global Git Changes git status    List the current changes Git Pull git pull    Get the contents of remote repository changes into local Git Add: git add  Adds the specified file for commit   git add -u  Adds all the files marked 'Untracked' to commit git add .  Add all the files tracked, untracked for commit Removing file from cache:   Not yet ready to commit some file j...